Nvidia-Sony deal and CELL could extend to PSP-2 and Playstation4
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a link to the past
2005-04-27 12:23:54 UTC

"I would imagine that they will use CELL variants in the future. So if we
get 1 1:8 CELL in the PS3 we could be looking at 8-16 beefier CELLs in PS4
in 2011/2012. I would think that is the plan as

1. CELL is very scalable
2. CELL is powerful, and its power scales directly with scalability
3. CELL will become cheaper over time
4. CELL will offer easy backwards compatibility

When the nVidia deal was announced it was done so as a multi project effort.
Whether that means future handhelds, nVidia devices, TVs, or possibly PS4 we
dont know. But it seems the nVidia partnership could be longer term. This
makes sense as some have expressed the PS3 and CELL as a "platform" and not
just a solitary device. The question is will these dreams ever come to

It would seem that the path for the PS4 will be quite a bit easier. The
architecture of CELL is in place. Now they just need to continue developing

Just my take.
a link to the past
2005-04-27 12:48:56 UTC
I was going to add here.... that the Nvidia-Sony partnership and the
Sony-Toshiba-IBM Cell partnership are most definitally long-term deals and
alliances, that go beyond just PlayStation3.

early next decade, PSP-2 and PS4 will be on the horizon. I don't see Sony
coming up with radical new technology.

PSP-2 and PS4 will be extentions of PSP and PS3 much like the PS2 was an
extention of the PS1.

the Cell architecture is too expensive and too prestegious to dump after one
generation. we will see Cell-2 and Cell-3

not too much unlike we saw Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III,
Pentium 4 or 286, 386, 486, etc.
a link to the past
2005-04-27 12:52:25 UTC
and as far as graphics, Sony does not have many places to turn to other
than Nvidia.

ATI is locked in step with Nintendo and Microsoft. the graphics market
has consolodated massively in the last 5 years, and, Sony cannot compete
alone in the area of specialized graphics.

Nvidia is pretty much Sony's only competitive choice -- if Sony wants to
stay competitive with Microsoft who will no doubt be developing the
next-next gen Xbox (Xbox3) again with ATI.
